The Mandonator trademark name logo

The Requintonator name logo

: A Mandonator™ Variation

This is Requintonator Serial 15




A Requintonator™ is a 6-string resonator instrument, tuned as if a standard guitar had a capo on the 5th fret. From low to high, this is: A, D, G, C, E, A. There is a traditional instrument with this tuning called a requinto. So I call my resonator version a Requintonator™.


The Requintonator™ is considerably smaller than a regular guitar, and has its own tonal character. It has a pure sweet tone that has lots of presence and has no trouble being heard in an acoustic jam, since it has plenty of volume. It’s sweeter and more brilliant than a biscuit-bridge guitar, and since its range is higher, it chimes rather than growls. It really shines at playing jazz, Western Swing, and blues lead.



A Successful Experiment!

The first Requintonator™, pictured here, was built on commission as an experiment. The idea was conceived by jazz guitarist Dave Dekker while he was exploring the potential of a Mandonator™. The Requintonator™ has the same body as a Mandonator™, but the neck, scale length, number of strings, and - of course - tuning are different. The result was a marvelous instrument. There are sound samples below that will give you a sense of its voice – though they can't impart how much fun it is to play!


As an experimental offspring of the Mandonator™, this instrument, serial #15, is currently showcased in the gallery for Mandonators™. You can learn more about it on its Gallery page.



Sound Samples

1. Open Strings

This is the sound of the open strings played slowly to hear the resonances. The first pass is strummed halfway from the fingerboard to the saddle (probably where I'd usually pick). The second pass is strummed much closer to the bridge for a brasher tone.


2. A Scale

I play a scale from the low open A on the sixth string up two octaves to the open A on the 1st string.


3. Chords

I'm just strumming some basic open position chords.


4. Chickens

Here's the lead I play for a swingy blues, "There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens."


5. Noodling

I'm noodling some single-note leads, trying some different techniques. It's fun and relaxing.


6. Shuffle

Here I'm playing some blues licks.


7. Swingy Chords

Just as it says, I'm playing some swingy chords.



Topher Gayle • [email protected] • 408-221-9378